Tripadvisor Best of the Best 2021 awards
Chosen by travelers
Tripadvisor is the largest travel platform, where travellers can find the best place to eat, sleep, fly and nevertheless, find hidden gems on their bucket list destinations and once in a lifetime experiences which will be carefully stored in their memories.
And that is where we and you come in. As a whitewater family, Sport Mix is an agency that has personality.
We have faces that mostly smile, even on bad days and voices that can be either savagely enthusiastic or soothing when one is frightened. We have ears that listen to your craziest dreams and achievements, sometimes even heartbreaks and then again stories about freshly made friendships. We have noses that smell the freshness of the summer rain and lips that every single day appreciate the sweetness of the crystal-clear emerald beauty, Soča river.
And that is, our friends, what separates us from the rest of the world.
We have been kindly devoted to providing you with the most quality services that we would like our parents, partners, sisters or friends to experience. And this is how we try our best to welcome you to our river family. Our goal is to reunite and reconnect our guests with nature in a safe, friendly environment.
Our locality makes us unique. Investing in quality equipment and staff education and especially our love for the outdoors made us 6th BEST TOP ACTIVITY OVERALL IN EUROPE and 6th TOP WATER ADVENTURE IN THE WORLD, chosen by travelers all around the world on TripAdvisor.
We would hereby like to take the opportunity to sincerely thank you for being part of our fairy tale. It has not always been glittering and butterflies but having such heartwarming, kind and interesting adventurers, you, dear guests or better said – friends, is the reason we get up in the morning and put on our »red dress«. We would like to express our gratitude for every TripAdvisor review, a kind word on the phone and your smile in our office. Till the next adventure together!
Yours faithfully,
Sport Mix team